
Thursday, October 12, 2017

K100 and the winter blues.

 It is fall. Time to remember to come in and buy some K100. We use it, we recommend it, and we keep it in stock.

We recommend a small amount of K100 in every few tanks of fuel, but more importantly it is a MUST for winter storage of a motorcycle. If you use K100 you won't be seeing us to clean your  fuel system in the spring. K100 is just $8.95 a bottle, and a carburetor  cleaning STARTS at $78. So it is a smart way to prevent that bill in the future. Remember, it also works great in your snowblower, weed eater, mower, etc. etc.

We even use it to clean carbs on the bench these days. This is an unsolicited video from a regular customer of ours. He was pretty happy with the results.

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

York Bike Night

York Bike Night is an annual event that coincides with an open-house at the Harley Davidson Factory in York.  York celebrates with three days of events focused on the world renowned brand that put them on the map. Friday night  was a great night. The streets are closed to cars but left open to just us two-wheeled folk. There are bands, food, and LOTS of bikes to look at.

                                                A few of us headed down to check out the scene.  Of course, as usual, we had to be a little different, so we rode our antique 'foreign' machines.                                   
       If you ever wanted to stand out like a rock star, try riding a handful of vintage two-stroke scooters in a sea of 1,000+ Harleys.  The parade was fun and we were cheered all along the route.                           

                                           We took some time to park and review the bikes in the lot.
 Parking? there is ALWAYS scooter parking.
York Bike night was a good time. TMISC was representing and we were glad to be a part of it!

*Thanks to Rob and Das for the extra pics!

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Battleships, Cruisers, and subs...and Cheese steaks part TWO

    It was last minute, but frequently those are often the best adventures.  Early Sunday morning, Tim and I set out on a bomber style trip to Philly to view some maritime treasures that we missed getting to see earlier this summer.

Of course, headed to Philly, there had to be cheese steaks. So we stopped at The Pepper Mill for lunch on the way in.

It was great to have Tim as a local guide knowing the way in and out. It made the day much less stressful and infinitely more enjoyable.

Upon arriving at out destination we paid an exorbitant sum to park, and then paid more to board and tour the ships (at least that was worth it).

The Submarine Becuna was our first stop. It has been preserved quite well and is set up in a way that allows you to imagine what life was like on board.

After touring the deck, we climbed down the ladder into the forward torpedo room, the business end of the ship.

The ship is designed for an 'average' height sailor, but don't worry if you are tall you can still fit. Some of us just have to work harder at it than others.

All four big diesels are still there. The placard explained how the forward two diesels were snorkeled to allow them to run submerged.

The engine technology was impressive for the time.

Conditions on board were cramped, but an ingenious person can always find ways to improve things.

After spending a bit of time on a small sub, walking next door to the Cruiser Olympia was quite a contrast in the name of space for things. It has to be seen to admire the differences.

                                                     The dining placement changes a bit.

If you are interested in vintage naval guns; many of those on display are in pristine shape.

How often can you stand in the exact spot a famous phrase was uttered? Commodore George Dewey, " You may fire when you are ready, Gridley" uttered those very words where these footprints are bound to the deck. You are able to stand on them. While you may not be at battle in the bay; it is still pretty awesome to us history nerds.

Peering out through one of the 5" main gun ports, it is quite interesting what she is sighted in on.
( I think the Big J would win that one)

          On the ride home we took the opportunity to stop and visit some spooky sights from Weird U.S. a website that compiles interesting destinations to explore.

Our adventures kept us out until after dark and dusk brought plummeting temperatures typical of an autumn evening. We made the ride home swiftly and both riders appreciated having good riding gear which can make all the difference.
As always a day on two wheels, shared with friends is enjoyable.  Throw in good weather and some interesting sights and there is nothing I would rather be doing.

Thanks to Tim for some extra pictures.