
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Buzz in the Country

 Another great weekend and another scooter rally. The Buzz in the Country rally put on by the Flood City Scooter club is one we look forward to all year, and this year did not disappoint. It is a small rally in its third year,  the location is nestled in historic Johnstown, PA. The area is old town America with lots of back roads and mountains to climb.
     My mount this year was my trusty kitted Stella 150 ( Okay, the guys figured out it wasn't a 150 anymore when we were climbing the hills at 50 MPH ), and a friend brought his new SYM symba100 along for the ride. Both bikes were quite loaded down for the trip and were hauling 250 lb+ riders.

Were they slow up the mountains? YES, was the ride great? you BETCHA!. Both bikes ran without a hitch and offered no problems the whole way. The Stella can be a very reliable bike once its bugs are sorted out, and the Symba seems to be quite the tough little mount so far. You can keep up with the Symba on its very own blog here. We feel it has quite the adventure list coming, and it has no issues with its small size.

Look closely, there IS a Symba in there.

The weather and the views were nothing short of outstanding.

We often search out small "Mom and Pop" local places to eat, and this trip was no different, If you are ever in Newburg, Pa. and would like a good sub or pizza, give Otters Pizza Den a try.

Once we arrived at our destination, the Flood city crew was ready with a warm fire and even a welcoming cheer ( how often do YOU get cheered in upon arrival?)

The next day the ride left out for a cool tour of Historic Johnstown by our rally host. The parking for lunch was JUST for the tough crowd that we are.

 There was a tour of Johnstown and then our hosts even sponsored a ride down the Steepest incline plane in America. There was even a wedding in town, and OF COURSE the ladies wanted to pose with the scooters, and we just wouldn't want to disappoint..

Overall, one of our favorite rides to sponsor for the year, great roads, great people , and the food is good , too. We are already looking forward to next year.

If you liked this blog, feel free to follow us here, on FacebookYoutube, or on our Instagram. Or you can always stop by the shop to visit.


  1. awesome post. totally bummed i missed it this year. my sym and i will be anxiously awaiting next years!
