
Sunday, February 5, 2017

Shrinky Dink Open House #4

   We can't believe this is our 4th one. To everyone that came out; THANK YOU. You are the reason we do it. The food was good, the conversations better, but the people are what make it great.

      Most people arrive in cars when it's in the 20's, but to the half-dozen people that came on bikes! You win! Great to see the helmets and gear walking in the door. Make sure to log your rides in the Shrinky Dink IV; it isn't over yet. We are logging rides until midnight on March 20th.

     We had  a few new faces at the shop. It's always great to see friends learning to ride and goofing of out back with the new bikes. We had the new Genuine buddy eclipse and the new Genuine buddy kick on the floor for folks to check out and sit on. The new  Lance Cabo 200i was even out, prepped and available for demo rides. One of our customers even took a ride on our vintage mailbox:


Most of the action was inside, and many of us needed a break from the winter blahs. There was talk of motorcycles, scooters, new models and vintage classics.

We had a plethora of food offerings: chili, and hot dogs, Swedish meatballs, chips, delicious cheesy dip, and more.  Some of our favorite people brought us treats too, yummy cinabun cake and cherry chocolate chip cookies.  We also had a range of drinks, both hot and cold.

Even the boss was keeping an eye on things:

She doesn't miss a single thing, and takes her Lab duties very seriously. There was not a single piece of spilled food gone to waste or trod upon with her watchful gaze. 

The dog whisperer was even present training the new recruit.

Thanks to everyone that stopped by, and we even had a delivery of some awesome vintage shirts (thanks Roland).
We even had future scooterists in the making.

We brought out an old pocket bike from storage, got it running, and had some fun and shenanigans in the back yard.  We even talked a new rider into trying the freshly running (badly) pocket-bike. After that, everything else will be easy. We intend to have her safely on a scooter by summer.

Remember, keep riding and summer is coming. We will be here when you need us. Be sure to join us for our next event on March 24th when the new C.H.I.P.S. movie premieres.

If you liked this blog, feel free to follow us here, on FacebookYoutube, or on our Instagram. Or you can always stop by the shop to visit.

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