York Bike Night is an annual event that coincides with an open-house at the Harley Davidson Factory in York. York celebrates with three days of events focused on the world renowned brand that put them on the map. Friday night was a great night. The streets are closed to cars but left open to just us two-wheeled folk. There are bands, food, and LOTS of bikes to look at.
A few of us headed down to check out the scene. Of course, as usual, we had to be a little different, so we rode our antique 'foreign' machines.
If you ever wanted to stand out like a rock star, try riding a handful of vintage two-stroke scooters in a sea of 1,000+ Harleys. The parade was fun and we were cheered all along the route.
We took some time to park and review the bikes in the lot.
Parking? there is ALWAYS scooter parking.
York Bike night was a good time. TMISC was representing and we were glad to be a part of it!
*Thanks to Rob and Das for the extra pics!
sweet. glad scooters were represented. 😉