Most bikes come from the factory with average, black grips. They do the job adequately, but if yours have several hundred miles on them, or if you want to personalize your ride, you should check out the many options available. You can choose grips that can begin a theme, or just take your bike from hoo-hum to WOW for just a few bucks.
Retro metal flake, biker bling, or color matched to your paint job.
There are also many that we think are cool but defy categorization.
Comfort and style don't always go hand-in-hand. Some times you need to choose which is a priority. Some grips aren't the most amazing things to look at, but are incredibly comfortable. Sore Hands? Try a set of foam grips for $6.95!
We make sure to keep the sportbikes covered as well with lots of color choices being available.
Dirtbikes, dualsports, and ATV grips are kept on the shelf as well
The cruiser crowd may have more to choose from than anyone.
We have made a commitment this year to keeping plenty of these in stock at the shop. Some are fun, some squishy, some quite bright, but ALL are functional.
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