
Monday, June 5, 2017

Ride to the Naval Yards

The day had promise. It was a lovely day, the first Saturday in June. But, due to circumstances beyond our control, we started almost an hour late. It turned out to be a good delay because we had two AWESOME folks ride out from Philly, just to meet us at the shop, and then ride back with us. Your faces are always welcome at our shop. We were running behind, so forgive us for not being the most gracious hosts we should have been.The Royal Bastards are always a welcome sight.

Once we got organized, suited up, and ready to head out. We hit the road with 8 bikes leaving from the shop.

   The weather was a bit chilly for some, but the sky was clear and the sun was coming out. We picked up riders on the way to our lunch stop close to Philly.

The lunch stop was at The Pepper Mill for their renowned cheese steaks and they were good! We already have another trip in the works to try more cheese steak places recommended by the "locals". The "best cheese steak" battle continues. We WILL do the research and find the answer; no matter how many delicious cheese steaks we have to eat.

   I think we reached a maximum of 14 riders at lunch stop. We had a good mix of modern and vintage bikes with Genuine, Honda, Suzuki, Lance, and we were even joined by a Zundapp Bella and her beautiful rider.

Some  Royal Bastards and a few more riders came out to meet the rest of our group for lunch. Always nice to see you guys.

From here on, we had Todd step in as our local tour guide to navigate the tight in-town roads. Tim Did a great job getting us to our location and Todd did the city navigating for us. We were glad to have them both leading the way!

When we finally made our way to the JFK in the naval yard, we had another smiling face waiting to great us.

She is something else to see up close, even parked and aging.

Sadly, too many delays kept us from making the Cruiser Olympia in time to get aboard. So, we may just have to make this trip again. 

As usual, eventually it was time to head home. Missing the expected 2 hour tour of the ship left us with time for a little break; so we decided to take one in a shady spot just outside of town. A few good snacks, some welcome drinks and a small shade tree did the trick.

The numbers of our group slowly diminished as we all got closer to home. Gratefully, everyone arrived home safe-and-sound after a long days ride.

 Just a note to all our riders. Thanks for riding smart and safe all day. We had a few minor bike issues ( all easily fixed on the road). I have to admit, I still get a thrill when I see riders waiting on the side of the road to be picked up by the group. I have seen one or even over one hundred riders waiting to join my group, and I tell you, it brings a smile to my face every time no matter the number. We look forward to seeing you all on the next ride. Be sure to keep an eye on our Events Page.

If you liked this blog, feel free to follow us here, on FacebookYoutube, or on our Instagram. Or you can always stop by the shop to visit.

1 comment:

  1. sweet ride, fun day, great lunch and a bunch of awesome people! let's do that again.
